In the year of our Lord 1894, I became an outlaw. Kwon) adventure story of a fugitive girl, a mysterious gang of robbers, and their dangerous mission to transform the Wild West. The "terrifying, wise, tender, and thrilling" (R.O.

Anastasia Metzger, Watermark Books & Cafe, Wichita, KSĪ REESE'S BOOK CLUB PICK * INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER * BELLETRIST BOOK CLUB PICK * INDIE NEXT SELECTION * LIBRARY READS SELECTION * AMAZON EDITORS' CHOICE * WASHINGTON POST BEST OF THE YEAR “Part Western, part parable, with equal amounts gun-toting action and intellectual depth, Outlawed explores the fate of those left outside heteronormative structures, from infertility to queerness to discrimination of all kinds.” Sylvie Weissman, Content Bookstore, Northfield, MN Winter 2022 Reading Group Indie Next List It’s an exciting and extraordinary novel.” Outlawed is about the many different ways to be whole and to own your power, even in a world that tries to hold you down. Ada is an incredibly compelling narrator with clear passions and talents, and watching her grow into herself and achieve her goals is wonderful. While the western is generally a conservative genre built upon racist and sexist values, Anna North has managed to stay true to the classic in style and theme while creating a powerful and progressive story.

“I am a well-adjusted adult, but I still cried when I finished this book because I loved it so much.